Class List Class Hierarchy
Summary: Ctors Methods


Class OutBuffer

Implemented interfaces:

class OutBuffer

OutBuffer provides a way to build up an array of bytes out of raw data.
It is useful for things like preparing an array of bytes to write out to a file.
OutBuffer's byte order is the format native to the computer.
To control the byte order (endianness), use a class derived from OutBuffer.
To convert an array of bytes back into raw data, use InBuffer.

Constructor Summary

Methods Summary
ubyte toBytes()
          ******************************* Convert to array of bytes.
void reserve(uint nbytes)
OutBuffer write(String string)
OutBuffer write(char s)
OutBuffer write(ubyte bytes)
OutBuffer write(ubyte b)
OutBuffer write(byte b)
OutBuffer write(char c)
OutBuffer write(ushort w)
OutBuffer write(short s)
OutBuffer write(wchar c)
OutBuffer write(uint w)
OutBuffer write(int i)
OutBuffer write(ulong l)
OutBuffer write(long l)
OutBuffer write(float f)
OutBuffer write(double f)
OutBuffer write(real f)
OutBuffer write(OutBuffer buf)
void fill0(uint nbytes)
void alignSize(uint alignsize)
          ******************************** 0-fill to align on power of 2 boundary.
void align2()
          ************************************** Optimize common special case alignSize(2)
void align4()
          ************************************** Optimize common special case alignSize(4)
char toString()
void vprintf(char format, va_list args)
          *************************************** vprintf() into buffer.
void printf(char format, ... )
          *************************************** printf() into buffer.
void spread(uint index, uint nbytes)

this ()

ubyte [] toBytes()
/********************************* * Convert to array of bytes. */
void reserve(uint nbytes)

OutBuffer write(String string)

OutBuffer write(char[] s)

OutBuffer write(ubyte[] bytes)

OutBuffer write(ubyte b)

OutBuffer write(byte b)

OutBuffer write(char c)

OutBuffer write(ushort w)

OutBuffer write(short s)

OutBuffer write(wchar c)

OutBuffer write(uint w)

OutBuffer write(int i)

OutBuffer write(ulong l)

OutBuffer write(long l)

OutBuffer write(float f)

OutBuffer write(double f)

OutBuffer write(real f)

OutBuffer write(OutBuffer buf)

void fill0(uint nbytes)

void alignSize(uint alignsize)
/********************************** * 0-fill to align on power of 2 boundary. */
void align2()
/**************************************** * Optimize common special case alignSize(2) */
void align4()
/**************************************** * Optimize common special case alignSize(4) */
char [] toString()

void vprintf(char[] format, va_list args)
/***************************************** * vprintf() into buffer. */
void printf(char[] format, ...)
/***************************************** * printf() into buffer. */
void spread(uint index, uint nbytes)
/***************************************** */