Constructor Summary | |
public |
() Creates the static variables |
public |
() Creates a new empty String. |
(CHAR str) Creates a new String that contains the array passed. |
(String string) Copy constructor. |
(void* str) Creates a String from a pointer to memory. |
(char* str, int length) Create a String from a pointer to chars. |
(char c) Creates a String from the char. |
(int i) creates a String that is the representation of the int passed. |
(uint ui) creates a String that is the representation of the uint passed |
(long l) creates a String that is the representation of the long passed |
(double d) creates a String that is the representation of the double passed |
(bit b) Creates a string that is "0" or "1". |
Methods Summary | |
String |
dup() Duplicates this String. |
static String |
newz(char* str) Creates a String from a zero terminated pointer to chars We need this to interface to C style strings |
static char* |
stringz(char string) Returns pointer to a null terminated version of string passed in. |
char |
toString() Gets the array of characters of this String |
char* |
toStringz() Gets a null terminated array of char version of this String |
void |
toVoid() Gets this string chars as an void array |
int |
length() Gets the length of this String |
void |
length(int length) Sets the length of this String |
void |
incLength(int increment) Increments or decrements the length of this String. |
void |
set(String string) Sets this String from another String. |
void |
set(char str) Sets this String from an array of chars. |
void |
set(char* str, int length) Sets this String from a pointer to chars and a length. |
void |
setz(char* str) Sets this String from a pointer to chars terminated ny null. |
void |
point(char str) Makes this string to point to the char array. |
void |
point(void str) Makes this string to point to the char array. |
charAt(int index) Gets the character at the index position. |
void |
print() |
void |
println() |
void |
print(char prefix) |
void |
println(char prefix) |
void |
println(String prefix) |
String |
substring(int start, int end) Creates a new String from a slice of this string |
String |
substring(int start) |
String |
stripl() |
String |
stripr() |
String |
strip() |
static String |
join(String[] tokens, CHAR sep) |
static String |
join(String[] tokens, String sep) |
String |
split() |
String |
split(String delim) |
String |
split(CHAR delim) |
static String |
sSplit(char s, char delim) |
String |
splitLines() |
int |
find(dchar c) |
bit |
contains(CHAR string) |
bit |
contains(String string) |
bit |
contains(CHAR c) |
int |
find(CHAR c, int start) |
int |
find(char sub, int start) |
int |
find(String sub, int start) |
int |
rfind(dchar c, int start) |
int |
rfind(CHAR string, int start) |
int |
rfind(String sub, int start) |
String |
getLineText(int pos) |
int |
countLine(int pos) counts the number of eol from the begining to pos |
bit |
startsWith(CHAR c) Tests c is the first chracters on the string |
bit |
startsWith(String string) Tests if the passed string is the begining of this string |
bit |
startsWith(CHAR string) Tests if the passed array is the begining of this string |
bit |
endsWith(CHAR c) |
bit |
endsWith(String string) |
bit |
endsWith(CHAR string) |
static int |
isWhite(dchar c) |
bit |
equals(String string) |
bit |
equalsIgnoreCase(String string) |
bit |
equalsIgnoreCase(char string) |
String |
toUpper() |
String |
toLower() |
String |
replace(CHAR from, CHAR to) |
String |
replace(CHAR from, String to) |
String |
replace(String from, CHAR to) |
String |
replace(String from, String to) |
String |
replaceSlice(String slice, String replacement) |
String |
append(char string) |
String |
append(String string) |
String |
prepend(CHAR string) |
String |
prepend(String string) |
String |
wrap(char pre, char pos) |
bit |
opEquals(String string) Operator == |
bit |
opEquals(CHAR string) Operator == |
int |
opPostInc() Operator ++ post. |
int |
opPostDec() Operator -- post. |
String |
opCat(CHAR str) Concatenate an array with this String |
String |
opCat(CHAR t) Concatenate a char with this String |
char |
toString(bit b) |
char |
toString(int i) |
char |
toString(long i) |
char |
toString(uint i) |
char |
toString(ulong u) |
char |
toString(ubyte ub) |
char |
toString(double f) |
String |
opCat(int i) |
String |
opCat(uint i) |
String |
opCat(ubyte ub) |
String |
opCat(float f) |
String |
opCat(bit b) |
String |
opCat(Object object) |
String |
opCatAssign(CHAR str) |
String |
opCatAssign(int i) |
String |
opCatAssign(double d) |
String |
opCatAssign(char c) |
String |
opCatAssign(Object object) |
opIndex(int index) |
void |
opIndexAssign(CHAR t, int index) |
String |
opSlice(int start, int end) |
static int |
wcsLen(wchar* str) |
static int |
wcsCmp(wchar* str1, wchar* str2) |
static int |
strLen(char* str) |
static int |
strCmp(char* str1, char* str2) |