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Summary: Ctors Methods

Module dool.util.Comd

Class Comd

Implemented interfaces:

public class Comd

Compiler packager for D this will compile a program or library from a directory tree

Constructor Summary
public ()
public (String args)
public (char args)
public (String[] args)

Methods Summary
ComdError getError()
public String getDAntFWocation()
public String getDMDLocation()
public String getPhobosLocation()
public String getGtkLocation()
public void setDAntFWocation(String newValue)
public void setDMDLocation(String newValue)
public void setPhobosLocation(String newValue)
public void setGtkLocation(String newValue)
public int parseAndCompile(char args)
public int parseAndCompile(String args)
public int parseAndCompile(char args)
public int parseAndCompile(String[] args)
protected void init()
void printVersion()
void printUsage()
int exec(String command)
private void findLocations()
          Tries to find the dmd location
public String getPathsErrors()
bit checkPaths()
          Checks if the paths are correct
bit checkDirTree(String[] sourceBases)
bit setSourcesAndTree(String[] sourceBases, String[] fullDirTree, String[] sources)
String compile(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms)
          Compiles sources into obj.
String getCompilerExe()
String getLinkExe()
String getLibExe()
String getSourceDirs()
String getLinkOptions()
String getExtraCompileParms()
String getExtraLinkParms()
ComdError compileExe(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms, String[] linkerParms)
          Makes an exe from existing objs
ComdError compileLib(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms, String[] linkerParms)
          Makes a lib from existing objs
String getAllLibs()
String getGLLibs()

ComdError getError()

public String getDAntFWocation()

public String getDMDLocation()

public String getPhobosLocation()

public String getGtkLocation()

public void setDAntFWocation(String newValue)

public void setDMDLocation(String newValue)

public void setPhobosLocation(String newValue)

public void setGtkLocation(String newValue)

public this ()

public this (String args)

public this (char[][] args)

public this (String[] args)

public int parseAndCompile(char[] args)

public int parseAndCompile(String args)

public int parseAndCompile(char[][] args)

public int parseAndCompile(String[] args)

protected void init()

void printVersion()

void printUsage()

int exec(String command)

private void findLocations()
/** * Tries to find the dmd location */
public String [] getPathsErrors()

bit checkPaths()
/** * Checks if the paths are correct */
bit checkDirTree(String[] sourceBases)

bit setSourcesAndTree(String[] sourceBases, inout String[] fullDirTree, inout String[] sources)

String [] compile(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms)
/** * Compiles sources into obj. * Sets the global error. * \TODO consider inserting test to bypass compiling if obj is more recent then source * in that case receive a flag to force compiling * @return the objs compiles. if the length of objs == 0 the compile faild (hack alert) */
String getCompilerExe()

String getLinkExe()

String getLibExe()

String getSourceDirs()

String getLinkOptions()

String getExtraCompileParms()

String getExtraLinkParms()

ComdError compileExe(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms, String[] linkerParms)
/** * Makes an exe from existing objs **/
ComdError compileLib(String name, String[] sourceBases, String objBase, String[] compilerParms, String[] linkerParms)
/** * Makes a lib from existing objs **/
String getAllLibs()

String getGLLibs()