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Summary: Ctors Methods

Module dool.sql.ResultSet

Interface ResultSet

Extend interfaces:

interface ResultSet

Methods Summary
bit valid()
          Checks is the result set is valid
String errorMessage()
          Gets the message correspondent to the current state
bit hasMore()
          Informes if there are more rows avialable
void clear()
          Some implementation require the result set to be cleared after use.
DBMetaTuple getMetaTuple()
DBTuple getTuple(char statement)
DBTuple getTuple(String statement)
DBTuple getTuples(char statment, int maximum)
DBTuple getTuples(String statment, int maximum)
DBTuple getTuples(int maximum)
char getChar(int column)
          Get a field value as char
String getString(int column)
          Get a field value as String
bit getBit(int column)
          Get a field value as bit
long getInteger(int column)
          Get a field value as
double getDouble(int column)
          Get a field value as
void* getBlob(int column)
          Get a field value as blob (void*)
SQLType getType(int column)
          Gets the type for the specific column
int columnCount()
          Gets the number of columns on this result set
String getColumnName(int column)
          Gets the column name for a specific column

bit valid()
/** * Checks is the result set is valid */
String errorMessage()
/** * Gets the message correspondent to the current state */
bit hasMore()
/** * Informes if there are more rows avialable */
void clear()
/** * Some implementation require the result set to be cleared after use. * allways call clear after you're done with the result set as you can't be sure. */
DBMetaTuple getMetaTuple()

DBTuple getTuple(char[] statement)

DBTuple getTuple(String statement)

DBTuple [] getTuples(char[] statment, int maximum)

DBTuple [] getTuples(String statment, int maximum)

DBTuple [] getTuples(int maximum)

char getChar(int column)
/** * Get a field value as char */
String getString(int column)
/** * Get a field value as String */
bit getBit(int column)
/** * Get a field value as bit */
long getInteger(int column)
/** * Get a field value as */
double getDouble(int column)
/** * Get a field value as */
void* getBlob(int column)
/** * Get a field value as blob (void*) */
SQLType getType(int column)
/** * Gets the type for the specific column */
int columnCount()
/** * Gets the number of columns on this result set */
String getColumnName(int column)
/** * Gets the column name for a specific column */