Constructor Summary | |
(... ) Creates and initializes a new Array |
(T array) Duplicates and existion array this is a shallow copy |
Methods Summary | |
private alias |
.ArrayC!(T ) defines the type for ourselfs |
int |
length() the number of elements on the Array |
int |
indexOf(T element) Get the index of the element |
T |
opIndex(int index) returns the element at the index |
Array |
opCat(T t) creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the element t |
Array |
opCat(T array) creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the array passed |
Array |
opCatAssign(T array) |
Array |
opCatAssign(T t) |
void |
opIndexAssign(T t, int index) |
Array |
opSlice(int start, int end) |
T |
toArray() |
int |
opApply(int delegate(inout) |
Array |
addElement(T element) |
Array |
removeIndex(int index) |
Array |
removeElement(T element) |