Class List Class Hierarchy
Summary: Ctors Methods

Module dool.Array

Class ArrayC

Implemented interfaces:
public class ArrayC

This is a simple wrapper for the common D arrays.
this is limited to one dimension arrays - should be renamed Vector Provides some simple functionalities missing on natives arrays: - full support for dinamic creation - insert on an arbitrary index - remove by index or element

Constructor Summary
(... )
          Creates and initializes a new Array
(T array)
          Duplicates and existion array this is a shallow copy

Methods Summary
private alias .ArrayC!(T )
          defines the type for ourselfs
int length()
          the number of elements on the Array
int indexOf(T element)
          Get the index of the element
T opIndex(int index)
          returns the element at the index
Array opCat(T t)
          creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the element t
Array opCat(T array)
          creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the array passed
Array opCatAssign(T array)
Array opCatAssign(T t)
void opIndexAssign(T t, int index)
Array opSlice(int start, int end)
T toArray()
int opApply(int delegate(inout)
Array addElement(T element)
Array removeIndex(int index)
Array removeElement(T element)

private alias .ArrayC!(T)
/** defines the type for ourselfs */
this (...)
/** * Creates and initializes a new Array */
this (T[] array)
/** * Duplicates and existion array * this is a shallow copy */
int length()
/** * the number of elements on the Array */
int indexOf(T element)
/** * Get the index of the element * @return -1 if the element is not in the array */
T opIndex(int index)
/** * returns the element at the index */
Array opCat(T t)
/** * creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the element t */
Array opCat(T[] array)
/** * creates a new array that is a copy of this array plus the array passed */
Array opCatAssign(T[] array)

Array opCatAssign(T t)

void opIndexAssign(T t, int index)

Array opSlice(int start, int end)

T [] toArray()

int opApply(int delegate(inout)

Array addElement(T element)

Array removeIndex(int index)

Array removeElement(T element)